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Domain Data: A Common Denominator in Threat Detection Techniques

Domain Data: A Common Denominator in Threat Detection Techniques

Today’s cyber warfare is much like an arms race. Cybercriminals continuously improve their strategies trying to keep their schemes uncovered. In parallel, it’s only natural that companies make their security protocols better to respond to or anticipate new and more sophisticated attack patterns.

Doing so, however, is not within the reach of every organization. CISOs who lack the resources to implement initiatives in-house find it more practical and cost-effective to outsource their security requirements.

The concept of outsourcing presents several options as external providers assemble their respective stacks of technological solutions to match various companies’ needs. This post discusses what those options are and how domain data serves as a vital threat intelligence source regardless of the system or provider adopted.

How to verify website authenticity?

How to verify website authenticity?

The Internet is an ever-growing ocean of knowledge, opportunities, and conveniences. At the same time, immense swaths of that ocean are filled with fake websites, scams, and increasingly efficient and sophisticated ways to steal the 21st century’s greatest treasure - personal information.

In this guide, we will show you 10 tricks that can help you verify website authenticity. Admittedly, the simple tricks cannot ensure 100% safe browsing experience. This is why this article also included sophisticated verification measures used by the most reputable cybersecurity tools designed for in-depth, sophisticated analysis of fraudulent websites.

A Website Classification Database: An Ideal Source of Threat Data

A Website Classification Database: An Ideal Source of Threat Data

A simple rule applies in today’s infosec environment: organizations must consider the effectiveness of their threat data sources. In fact, this should be a primary concern, especially if they wish to get the most out of their threat intelligence platform. But not all companies know which sources of threat intelligence can benefit them.

TIPs are critical for many enterprises. A TIP is capable of collecting and managing threat data coming from multiple external sources. It lets companies correlate the information with one another to come up with insightful findings. This process allows them to identify which threats they need to prioritize. A TIP can also reduce risks by answering who is responsible for and what comprises an attack.

Using Website Contacts and Categorization Tools for More Effective Digital Rights Management

Using Website Contacts and Categorization Tools for More Effective Digital Rights Management

Digital rights management (DRM) is a systematic approach to copyright protection for all kinds of digital media. It prevents unauthorized redistribution of digital media and stops consumers from copying the content they purchase.

DRM products were developed in response to a rapid rise in online piracy of commercially marketed materials aided by the widespread use of peer-to-peer (P2P) file exchange applications, more widely known as torrent clients.

DRM is typically implemented by embedding code in materials to prevent users from copying them. At times, it limits the amount of time when content can be accessed or the number of devices the media can be consumed on. Despite its widespread use, however, online piracy still runs rampant.

4 Roles of Domain Name Monitoring in Making Cybersecurity Decisions

4 Roles of Domain Name Monitoring in Making Cybersecurity Decisions

You might be surprised to find out, but there’s a lot you can tell about a domain name or a group of them from the cybersecurity standpoint. You may attempt to understand what the intentions of a registrant are, check for the consistency of data provided across touchpoints, get some insights into the scale of online operations, and more.

How an IP Location API Can Bolster Content Personalization

How an IP Location API Can Bolster Content Personalization

These days, people are all about personalization. The more personalized the content is, the more customers would want to visit the site. Increased website traffic means more income, and for most website owners and developers, that’s the goal. For businesses that not only cater to online clients but also have physical stores, the goal is to bring online visitors to their brick-and-mortar establishments. But how can they effectively do this without compromising the quality of their service? Let’s take a closer look.

What to Consider When Choosing a Web Categorization API Vendor

What to Consider When Choosing a Web Categorization API Vendor

Organizations committed to becoming a leader in the Web filtering market need to provide adequate and secure Web access, which applies to unified threat management (UTM) appliance manufacturers, managed detection and response (MDR) service providers, or any other network security vendor.

For a security provider, the protection of users is critical to success. Any vendor should be aware of the nature of online threats that include malware, botnets, and more. Since threats are continually evolving, a successful provider needs to offer a product or service that exceeds clients' expectations.

How DNS Filtering and Website Categorization Lists Can Empower In-House Cybersecurity Teams

How DNS Filtering and Website Categorization Lists Can Empower In-House Cybersecurity Teams

The IT security climate these days is pretty unpredictable. A study by the University of Maryland states that a security incident occurs every 39 seconds. Companies around the world are, in fact, increasingly suffering from Web-based attacks, not to mention the fact that the average cost of a data breach has skyrocketed.

The good news is that there is a wide range of measures that in-house cybersecurity professionals can employ against threats. One effective solution is Domain Name System (DNS) filtering.

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