try: # For Python v.3 and later from urllib.request import urlopen, pathname2url except ImportError: # For Python v.2 from urllib import pathname2url from urllib2 import urlopen import json import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETree ######################## # Fill in your details # ######################## username = 'Your domain availability api username' password = 'Your domain availability api password' domain = '' url = ''\ + 'cmd=GET_DN_AVAILABILITY'\ + '&domainName=' + pathname2url(domain)\ + '&username=' + pathname2url(username)\ + '&password=' + pathname2url(password)\ + '&outputFormat=' # A function to recursively build a dict out of an ElementTree def etree_to_dict(t): if len(list(t)) == 0: d = t.text else: d = {} for node in list(t): d[node.tag] = etree_to_dict(node) if isinstance(d[node.tag], dict): d[node.tag] = d[node.tag] return d # A function to recursively print out multi-level dicts with indentation def recursive_pretty_print(obj, indent): for x in list(obj): if isinstance(obj[x], dict): print(' '*indent + str(x)[0:50] + ': ') recursive_pretty_print(obj[x], indent + 5) elif isinstance(obj[x], list): print(' '*indent + str(x)[0:50] + ': ' + str(list(obj[x]))) else: print(' '*indent + str(x)[0:50] + ': ' + str(obj[x])[0:50].replace('\n', '')) ####################### # Use a JSON resource # ####################### outputFormat = 'JSON' apiUrl = url + pathname2url(outputFormat) # Get and build the JSON object result = json.loads(urlopen(apiUrl).read().decode('utf8')) # Print out a nice informative string recursive_pretty_print(result, 0) ####################### # Use an XML resource # ####################### outputFormat = 'XML' apiUrl = url + pathname2url(outputFormat) result = ETree.parse(urlopen(apiUrl)) root = result.getroot() # Create the dict with the above function. result = {root.tag: etree_to_dict(root)} # Print out a nice informative string recursive_pretty_print(result, 0)