Making requests

Domain Availability API helps you check whether a domain name is available for registration quickly and accurately. provides RESTful APIs. It is designed for server-to-server communication between your system and the network using standard HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Query responses are delivered in either XML or JSON format based on your requests which are made via GET method.

To get started you need an account with Authentication is required each time in order to use the API. The first 100 domain name availability lookups are complimentary when you register for a free account.

It takes up to a minute to activate your account after the registration.

Input parameters


Required. Get your personal API KEY on the My products page.


Required. The target domain name.




Optional. The default mode is the fastest, the DNS_AND_WHOIS mode is slower but more accurate.

Acceptable values: DNS_AND_WHOIS | DNS_ONLY

Default: DNS_ONLY


Optional. Response output format.

Acceptable values: JSON | XML

Default: XML

Free access

After Sign Up you automatically get a free subscription plan limited to 100 queries.

Usage limits and requests throttling

The maximum number of requests per second is 30. In case that the limit is breached, your subsequent requests will be rejected until the next second.

This API is also available with a dedicated load balancer and premium endpoint to enable faster querying as part of our Premium API Services and Enterprise API Packages.